
object graph

关于java8api 中object graph 的解释,资料来自苹果ios 开发doc。供自己参考

In an object-oriented program, groups of objects form a network through their relationships with each other—either through a direct reference to another object or through a chain of intermediate references. These groups of objects are referred to as object graphs. Object graphs may be small or large, simple or complex. An array object that contains a single string object represents a small, simple object graph. A group of objects containing an application object, with references to the windows, menus and their views, and other supporting objects, may represent a large, complex object graph.

Sometimes you may want to convert an object graph—usually just a section of the full object graph in the application—into a form that can be saved to a file or transmitted to another process or machine and then reconstructed. This process is known as archiving.



    OGNL - Object Graph Navigation Library 4.0-API

    Apache Commons OGNL - Object Graph Navigation Library 4.0-SNAPSHOT API 英文版 EasyCHM制作 厚颜祈求1分。欢迎批评指正。

    Object Graph Visualizer v.3.1


    ognlobject graph notion language

    object graph notion language

    Object Graph Visualizer:软件工程师的建模工具(OO)-开源

    Object Graph Visualizer是主要用于CS课程的工具,可帮助新学生理解面向对象的范例和模式。 类和对象(可以作为软件项目的一部分)以3D形式可视化:类以UML类图的形式停留在xz平面中。 在y轴正上方的对象可以实例...

    Action Message Format--AMF3中英文对照.PDF

    Abstract Action Message Format AMF is a compact binary format that is used to serialize ActionScript object graphs Once serialized an AMF encoded object graph may be used to persist and retrieve the ...


    Most JSON serializers mimic object serialization libraries and try to serialize the entire object graph from the object being turned into JSON. This causes problems when you want a connected object ...


    塞巴斯蒂安/物体图 ... 安装 您可以使用将该库作为本地...use function SebastianBergmann \ ObjectGraph \object_graph_dump; $ cart = new ShoppingCart ; $ cart -> add ( new ShoppingCartItem ( 'Foo' , new Money

    JavaScript Object Graph-开源



    Core Data是Mac OS X中Cocoa API的一部分,首次在Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger与iOS ...它也可以管理串行化的数据,提供对象生存期管理与object graph管理,包括存储。Core Data直接与SQLite交互,避免开发者使用原本的SQL语句

    Core Data例子3

    Core Data是Mac OS X中Cocoa API的一部分,首次在Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger与iOS ...它也可以管理串行化的数据,提供对象生存期管理与object graph管理,包括存储。Core Data直接与SQLite交互,避免开发者使用原本的SQL语句

    Core Data例子4

    Core Data是Mac OS X中Cocoa API的一部分,首次在Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger与iOS ...它也可以管理串行化的数据,提供对象生存期管理与object graph管理,包括存储。Core Data直接与SQLite交互,避免开发者使用原本的SQL语句

    Core Data例子2

    Core Data是Mac OS X中Cocoa API的一部分,首次在Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger与iOS ...它也可以管理串行化的数据,提供对象生存期管理与object graph管理,包括存储。Core Data直接与SQLite交互,避免开发者使用原本的SQL语句

    Core Data例子5

    Core Data是Mac OS X中Cocoa API的一部分,首次在Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger与iOS ...它也可以管理串行化的数据,提供对象生存期管理与object graph管理,包括存储。Core Data直接与SQLite交互,避免开发者使用原本的SQL语句

    Core Data by Tutorials 3rd

    Here's the technical answer: Core Data is an object graph management and persistence framework in the OS X and iOS SDKs. That means Core Data can store and retrieve data, but it isn’t a relational ...

    Core Data by Tutorials iOS 12 and Swift 4.2, 5th Edition pdf 解密版

    Core Data by Tutorials teaches you everything you need to know to take control of your data in iOS apps using Core Data, Apple’s powerful object graph and persistence framework. This will be a free ...


    ognl-2.7.3.jar :对象图导航语言(Object Graph Navigation Language),struts2框架通过其读写对象的属性。 struts2-core-2.1.8.jar:Struts 2框架的核心类库 xwork-core-2.1.6.jar:XWork类库,Struts 2在其上...


    ognl-2.6.x.jar: 对象图导航语言(Object Graph Navigation Language),Struts2框架通过其读写对象的属性 d. freemarker-2.3.x.jar: Struts的UI标签的模板使用FreeMarker编写 e. javassist-3.x.ga.jar f. commons...


    GNL是Object Graph Navigation Language的简称,详细相关的信息可以参考:http://www.ognl.org。这里我们只涉及Struts2框架中对OGNL的基本支持。 Struts 2默认的表达式语言是OGNL,原因是它相对其它表达式语言具有...


    ognl-3.0.jar:对象图导航语言(Object Graph Navigation Language),它是一种功能强大的表达式语言(Expression Language,简称为EL),通过它简单一致的表达式语法,可以存取对象的任意属性,调用对象的方法,...

    spring.NET 1.2.0

    However, you may find it useful to reference this namespace as it contains some general framework style classes These range from Spring.Expressions that provides evaluation of object graph expressions...

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